Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Myrtle" the Quilt

Day Two- I had a quilt that I bought at a yard sale last summer for $5 that needed some repair. I had removed the tattered stuffing and replaced the backing earlier this winter. Today I repaired and replaced several torn and missing squares and added more loops to hold the new back in place. It only took a couple of hours and I was able to work on the couch while Brielle played in the living room and Everlee napped in her swing.
So far this is totally working! I have looked at that quilt everyday for about a year and thought how I needed to fix it. Knowing that I had to put something on here today was all the push I needed to get up this morning and get to work.
I love patchwork quilts! I have made one from scratch and have finished several that were purchased partially completed. I don't have a machine that lets me "quilt" so looping (I'm sure there is a real name for tying the quilt, but I don't know it) is the only option for me. Quilting is an art that I completely butcher. One more thing to add to the list of things that I can only improve on.
I decided I like the idea of naming my projects. So, the quilt came to be known as Myrtle.

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