Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Plants! ugh!!

Day 7- Here we go again with me trying to keep house plants alive.

I kind of had to cheat today because of running around. Jesse and I got the fence up around my raised beds for my garden last night and today I had to get some things from Lowes before we can plant this weekend.

So while I was there I couldn't resist some of the house plants they had marked down on clearance. I also recently killed my aloe plant and I needed to replace it. The thing is... I kill plants. Consistently. I try to keep them alive, but they rarely survive. (I've had to send plants to live with other people to be brought back from the dead.) However, I love having green in my house, especially in the winter. It makes me feel like the air is cleaner when I've been trapped in the house with no open windows for months.

I figured that since I didn't have time to get into any major projects today, I would try again. I picked up a couple cool bowls at yards sales this weekend and couldn't get them clean enough to use in the kitchen and so they became planters.

Not much to tell. I put potting soil in the bowl/planter put in the plant and filled in around the roots. Add water and hope for the best.

We'll see how it goes.

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