Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby bib from cloth diapers

I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Ours was super busy! Jesse was off work and we got a lot done in the yard. (it was in desperate need of extensive attention)
So, the youngest of the little people that live here has reached that point (4 months) where she is a never ending drool factory. I have found myself changing her clothes 3 or 4 times a day just because her shirts are wet. I only had 2 bibs that were small enough to use for this job. The regular bibs for eating are just too big (plus they make me nervous that she's going to smother herself) This morning as I was wiping her wet chin with a cloth diaper I realized I have a ton of them that people had given me for the job of burb cloth and I never really use them for that. So I got out the handy scissors and got to work.
I used a bib I already had as a pattern, cut out the new one, sewed the edge with a zig zag stitch and sewed on some velcro, Voila! Didn't take long at all, and it's a good thing, we've had a hard time getting back in the swing of things around here this morning.

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