Monday, October 11, 2010

Mama Bake It!!

So there has been an enormous amount of baking happening in this little house over the last 4 days. We've already talked about the "bake sale" and all the baked yumminess that happened for that. I have been very excited, but a little scared to talk about (and potentially jinx) the other cause of baking from this weekend. I got my first paying gig! I was hired (by my mom) to make 3 apple pies and one enormous cheesecake for a function that she was organizing for work. I do recognize that it's my mom, but I'll take it!
It's funny to me that when I started this blog in May, I had just baked my very first cake. Here we are 5 months later and I think I'd like to bake yummy goodness when I grow up. This was my second cheesecake (they are entirely to expensive to just make for fun) and my first attempt at apple pie. Well, my second. I made one earlier in the week for practice.
I used Marthas Cheesecake recipe (this recipe is pretty close but the one in her book is for a 10" pan and doesn't use any lemon) again but used a graham cracker crust instead of the chocolate crust she uses in her book/my baking bible. I also used Martha's recipe for the apple pie but I substituted her Pate Brisee for the crust. Instead of a traditional top crust, I did one with a crumb topping, one with a crisp topping and one lattice top.
I am hopeful that there will be more baking to order in my future. I need some way to support my crafting habit. The money I made from this order combined with some savings I had been stashing away I was able to order my new sewing machine. So look out, more sewing to come.

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